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Under Construction... check back soon!


I decided that I am going to try and post at least one video, personal or news story that is to the same effect as the first post called "there is some good in the world still." So be on the look out for those hear warming stories of kindness in the world around us. if you have any particular examples or stories that you would like to share please let me know and we can get that set up!

Friday, January 17, 2014

Free weekend??

So, if i can finish these last 2 assignments today I will have all weekend and Monday with no homework! :D that should be great! I have been working on my other homework for the last hour or so, and i am almost done!

Anyone catch the shoot out last night between the avs and devils? if not then check it out right here, what a save! pretty excited with how well the teams doing recently.

Karen is still very sick, other then that not too much new is going on with us, just happy that we survived the second week of classes!

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

So, Its Official!

yes.. yes.. I AM a nerd... I have finally had to come to that conclusion after I spent and minuet to look at what i was actually doing a few days ago...

The picture to the side shows as you can see that I was playing guild wars 2 with a friend of mine, and at the same time I was playing Runescape with my wife, Karen.

I guess it is about time that i came to that conclusion eventually, but it does not make it much easier to accept.

In other news the first week of school was survived by both Karen, and myself. I am pretty nervous about most of my classes this semester. They are doing things that I normally am very uncomfortable doing. Things like public speaking every couple classes, and impromptu presentations etc.

Karens first CNA class was a bit scary, and rough for her but after the second class she had she is much more excited about it. As long as she can make it through her clinical stuff without getting really sick she should be okay.

Sunday, January 5, 2014

8 weeks!!

Sorry I have not done a blog in a while now. Things have been really crazy! Karen is now 8 months pregnant! :)

we were able to go in last week and see the ultra sound picture, and hear the heart beat it was very strong and fast! We are both excited to be able to actually see and hear it. Karen has been very very sick pretty much since she got pregnant. I have been trying to help her out, but there isn't all ways much i can do to help her. So with finals week, her being really sick, then the holidays it has been a really busy month and a half or so.

We went down to my parents for Christmas, and that was a lot of fun. We stayed there through new years, and came back up here yesterday.

We are excited to be getting out classes underway tomorrow. I am doing all business classes this semester. Karen is doing a quilting class, social work class, personal and family health, and a nursing class so she can get her CNA. She really wants to get that.

Now that we are back here at school I am hoping to get back into more of a routine again so that I will be able to write more on here!

Hope that you guys all had a great holiday over the last month! What did you guys do? Comment and let me know!